DH leads worship at our church, which has 2 services on Sundays. So, we are waiting for him at our house today to go eat lunch and MIL comes in. I love my MIL so much and we actually have a really great relationship. She always tells me (and us) how great we are with Avery and how proud of us she is..... anyway, so she asked me today "Did you tell my mom anything about how Avery couldn't nap last weekend?" (when we were with them).... I said "no, maybe just saying don't let her take a nap after 5:00pm, so she'll go to bed on time" (otherwise, she is up until 12!!!) MIL started laughing and said "well, my mom told me she was really worried about Avery because she was at the point of sheer exhaustion and you just would NOT let her go to sleep and she just really needed to sleep because she is always so tired." My GmaIL is a little crazy and these sayings are pretty typical of her, but she is exaggerating!!! We don't let her nap to make sure her sleep schedule is uninterrupted. But, when she is SO tired she can't keep her eyes open, of course I let her sleep! I just don't want them handing her the paci and snuggling with her so they can and then her falling asleep. Part of me got my feelings hurt by her statement, but then I remembered all the other crazy things she says and I just laughed. My MIL said "I told her I've never seen 2 parents care for their daughter more than you guys do"