
Yay! Bathtime no longer = waterboarding!

Ethan has been screaming bloody murder for the past several months when we wash his hair. ?Anyone walking by our house around 6:30pm would think we are tearing him limb from limb. ?

Finally, tonight I just got in the tub w/ him (haven't done that in year) and had to have DH wash my hair first to show Ethan that it didn't hurt. ?Then Ethan got his own hair wet (this is the part that scares the bejeezus out of him). ?I scrubbed the back of his hair and let him "scrub" the top of his head (then I went over it again. LOL).

I had to make bubble-beards on my face while DH rinsed Ethan's hair, but we got through the whole thing w/ NO tears!!! ?

That little kid bubble bath turned my skin to sandpaper, so that sucks; and I can only imagine what my hair will look and feel like when it dries, but whatever---worth it to get through a bathtime without it feeling like we're all being tortured!?


Re: Yay! Bathtime no longer = waterboarding!

  • Sounds like a victory to me!
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Yay! ? Hailey was the same way until we taught her how to lean her head back (our problem was getting the soap out of the hair)...

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  • yeah, shopgirl, that's what I'm trying to show him by getting in the tub and using that giant cup that's got the soft side to put against the forehead (does that make sense?) ?He is so afraid of it, so I figure the more I use it on myself, the more he'll see it's not scary. ?I just hope it doesn't take too long!?
  • I have that for DD and she freaks out by it, so I have been using a sippy cup and that works better for DD.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Good one!
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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