Parenting after a Loss

So confused - solids and breastfeeding oh my!

Ok - so I posted on Kelly mom about some questions about bfing and solids.  I found out - or it was suggested to me that Avery is probably eating too many solids with her one meal.  At night she will seriously eat between 3 and 4 cubes (oz) of food.  She never acts 'full' after this, drinks 1-2 oz of water out of a sippy cup, and then she nurses 20 minutes afterwards.

I'm going to change this a little - I'm going to nurse her before dinner - cut down dinner to 1-2 oz of food. 

We'll try bfast again tomorrow but she just hasnt' been interested yet.

Ok - to the bfing questions - she drinks 5 oz bottles at day care - she drinks "most" of them most of the time. 

if my supply dips a little - do you think I should use my stash to make up the difference?  Or would it be ok if she went down to 4-4.5 oz bottles????

I felt like I was doing SOOOOO well - and then I started second guessing myself

Re: So confused - solids and breastfeeding oh my!

  • That sounds like a lot of dinner. I would definitely cut down to 1-2 cubes and maybe not as much water. DD will eat a solid dinner & then nurse an hour later.??

    Is avery waking at night at all? I was told by both the pedi & gi dr that if dd wakes up in wee hours (4-5am), nurses & then wakes up at 7-8 for the day, I shouldn't nurse her at 8. I should offer up breakfast first. I also personally wait until she's hungry. Meredith isn't hungry as soon as she wakes for the day.?

    I don't know about bottles, but my first reaction would be no. But then after thinking about it, she'd probably make up for it when you got home & nursed.?

  • Solids and BF is so confusing- IMO.  DS is away from me 1x a week and my Mom has him.  In that time he takes 3 bottles but never takes more than 4.5-5 oz and he is a bit older than your DD- so I would try the 4.5 oz bottles at least once and see how that goes over.  As for the timing of solids, I have always given solids to DS after I finish nursing him.  I dont want my supply to be affected, and since BM is more important than the solids I want him to fill up on that first and then I offer the solids as a little "extra".

    It is so hard not to second guess yourself but use DD as a guide- good luck

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  • TayLynnTayLynn member

    I agree with the others since BM is the most nutritional food for her still. 

    Some babies can go 9-12 months without really needing solids.

    So I'd do as you said and nurse her first and then offer some solids.

    I would probably only send 4-4.5 oz bottles if your supply dipped to see how she did.  You can always send an ounce or two separately to "make up" for it when you first try it.  Most babies will drink whatever is in a bottle whether they are really hungry for it or not.  If she needs more calories, she'll get it from you in the evening.

    Can daycare offer any solids? Or give her some in the morning if you aren't already.

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