Can you believe we are going to have 4 month olds next week???!!! I cannot believe it. I cannot wait for Emma's 4 month appt to see how long she is. I weighed her last week and she was 16.5 lbs. She is outgrowing her 9 month old sleepers. I hope you all have a great Mother's Day!
Re: **Ris and Jen**
Mrs Ross: Conor may be a peanut but he sure is one strong peanut! I am 5' 11' and dh is 6' 2" so Emma is expected to be big, I would be worried otherwise! I hope Conor is giving you some relief in the sleep department.
It's crazy how fast time is flying by! Jax got weighed at the doc last Friday and he was 16.12! Emma must be way longer than him though because he still fits into some of his Carter's 3 month sleepers...but is mostly wearing 6 month stuff now. I think he is just a chunky little man.
He has a new trick!
He actually held his own bottle last night! It was so adorable.
We were out to dinner so when our food came, I put his bottle next to him (in his carseat) and when I turned back around he had it in his mouth, holding it with both hands!
What Emma and Tyler up to these days?
How many oz are they eating per day right now? Jax is still only eating about 20-25 oz...I am wondering if that is enough? Today (it is 4pm here) he has only had 8 oz so far!
He likes to eat the most right before bed (last night he had 9 oz!!!)...but I wish he would get better about eating more during the day???
Hope you guys are having a great day!
I WISH. He's pretty sick right now so it's even worse. He's been waking every hour for the past few days. He finally fell asleep today about 35 minutes ago, but he will only sleep on me.
DH and I are both short..poor guy gets it honest.
Omg, I cannot believe he held his own bottle! Too cute! Emma plays with her bottle while feeding and makes it very difficult sometimes.
Right now Emma is just into grabbing everything and putting it into her mouth. She loves her exercauser and jumperoo.
Emma has been eating a ton since what I am assuming was her 3 month growth spurt. She is usually between 32-34 oz. Now that she is eating that much she is sleeping much better at night..thank god (we had a couple rough weeks)! Now if she would only stay in her crib all night. She no longer eats at night but wakes up in her crib and wants nothing to do with it. Since I am working, she comes to bed with us. I hope she grows out of it quickly.
Any Mother's Day plans?
Jax is doing the same thing, he chews/drools on EVERYTHING!!!! He also loves his jumperoo...he likes to chew on that too! LOL.
Jax doesn't eat during the night either but right before bed, usually around 8:30 he chows down like crazy! He sleeps from 9pm-6:30am, takes 1-3 oz then goes back to bed until 9:30am. He usually waits about an hour after waking up and will drink anywhere from 3-6oz...then just snacks the rest of the day until bedtime.
We are heading up to my SIL/BIL's cabin on Silver Lake this weekend. We plan on taking Jax out for his first fishing adventure tomorrow (it's suppose to be sunny and 70!).
No plans for Sunday yet...hopefully Scott is taking care of that! What you guys up to?
I am glad to hear that Emma is sleeping better again!
I am glad Emma's sleep is better too! She goes down around 7 and doesnt need to eat again till 5-6ish, which is good because I am up at 5 every day to workout and dh gets up at 6. She just wont spend all night in the crib so we are still getting up for that but I will take it instead of the constant eating and fussing.
DH has a bachelor party for his best friend tomorrow. It is overnight so I have no clue what he has planned for Sunday. He was originally not going to go but I told him to go and we could do something when he gets back. I hope he has something planned. Your day on the lake sounds awesome! I bet Jax will have a blast.