Birth Stories

Wanted a birth as natural as possible...

On my 21st birthday, January 26, me and Payton's father went out to a movie in the evening. During the movie, I had a lot of "Braxton-Hicks" that were pretty close together. I didn't think much of it because it was a loud movie and Payton had always responded to loud noises.

Two days later, I noticed a little blood-tinged mucus on my underwear. I got a little worried, but my doctor told me to slow down and put my feet up. Relax. My mom, Payton's father, and his mother also told me the same thing. So I chilled out for the next couple of days, still having lots of "Braxton-Hicks" contractions that didn't hurt and I barely noticed.

Friday, January 30, I was at work when I noticed the contractions were about 6 minutes apart and had been so all morning. I still wasn't too concerned, because they still didn't hurt. Later that afternoon, I couldn't get Payton to move. No matter what I did. So my doctor told me to come to the hospital to do a non-stress test.

Surprise surprise, when I got there, the nurses told me I was in labor, 2 cm dilated and fully effaced. (Say what??!) We waited for a few hours to see if I could still have my natural delivery. When Payton's heart rate started dropping every time I contracted, the doctor decided to give me an emergency C-section. I was heartbroken, but I would rather have a healthy baby than risk him just to have the delivery I wanted.

Payton's father arrived an hour before the surgery. I was terrified. I had only a basic idea of what was going to happen. I wanted Payton's father by my side at every second, and while he was putting on the hospital clothes I was getting the epidural. I waited and waited and started to get scared that the surgery would start without him! Finally he came in and sat next to me and held my hand the whole time, talking to me.

I was kind of out of it from the meds, but I heard Payton start to whimper when he came out! The nurses wrapped him up and brought him up to us and we just stared in amazement. It was mind-blowing for me. Terrifying, but mind-blowing.

And that is the story of my first baby's birth. Sorry if it was longer than most...

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