Parenting after a Loss

Questions to ask a new OB-GYN

Have you ever interviewed OBGYNs before? ?When I lived in Atlanta I just went to the doc that my dad recommended for me (he's an OB) but he doesnt know anyone up here.

My pedi recommended someone so I am going to meet with him next week. ?I have always had female OBs, but I'm open to a male OB. ?I have a few questions to ask him, but just wanted to get some more ideas.

My primary question for him will be his thoughts on VBACs since I had a C-section. ?I'm still very torn as to whether to try for a vaginal birth next time (I really want to, but I know its a little risky and frankly since I know what to expect from a C-section its probably easier to just stick with that.)

Since I have an IUD I'm also giong to ask when he recommends we take it out if we want to start TTC late November...does it take some time for my body to adjust??

Obviously I'm going to see if I feel comfortable with him as well. ?What would you ask a new OB? ??





M/c #1 - 10/30/07 - 5w3d, DS1 - born at 36w, M/c#2 - 12/7/09 - 5w, M/c #3 - 1/13/10 - 4w6d, 
M/c #4 - 3/16/10 - 5w1d, DS2 -  born via VBAC at 40w3d, M/c#5 - 11/5/12 - 7w2d
BFP #8 - 5/5/13- Looks like a sticky one! DS3 - born via epi-free VBAC at 39w1d

Re: Questions to ask a new OB-GYN

  • Do you warm the speculums (sp?)?? lol, sorry, I don't know what I would ask, I guess meeting them and seeing their bedside manner, and how they would deal with a future pregnancy (u/s, bloodwork etc)...
  • When I was looking for a new OB after my m/c the things I used to narrow them down were hospital affiliation, whether they specialized in infertility issues, size of the practice, etc. 

    Some of the questions I asked were how appointments would be handled (i.e. if it is a bigger practice do you have to rotate among the doctors for prenatal appointments, will you see a NP for more basic appointments, etc.); what percentage of the patients does he/she actually deliver; if your doctor isn't on call when you go into labor, who will deliver you; etc.   

    My OB is male and I wish I'd switched sooner.  He has been more compassionate and gentle than the three female OBs I had seen prior.  


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  • maybe ask about stuff specific to your hx. how would you be monitored when you get pg next, will you get extra u/s or bloodwork b/c of the miscarriage for peace of mind? how would you be monitored if you end up with GD again? does he do induction for that/growth u/s/extra appts?
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