Parenting after a Loss


Thanks so much for your message last night!  Happy day to you, too!  If anyone deserves appreciation this year, it's YOU!

Thanks for the nice thoughts.  I'm dreading DH moving away in July, but hopefully DD and I won't be on our own for too long.  I don't know how you did it by yourself for all those months with a newborn - I'm sure I'll be looking to you for advice in the next few months!   :)

Re: **NoVa**

  • Aw, thanks :-)  Being a military spouse is always an "adventure" as I like to say so there are plenty of challenges no matter what the situation is.  We all deserve lots of appreciation from those men of ours!

    Fingers crossed that the house sells quickly but I am here anytime you need to talk or vent or get advice!

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