I've posted a few times about my bleeding issues and my frustration with my OB during my pregnancy (so many unanswered questions and blowing me off). Well, I called yesterday because I'm still bleeding 4.5 months PP and on my 2nd BCP brand and talked to the receptionist, who thankfully knows me well enough to just talk to me herself. I told her I was thinking of making an appt. with Dr. L, who is in the same practice but a different building, and wasn't sure if I should get that cleared by Dr. S (my current doctor) first. She was like "Oh, no. Dr. S isn't a gynecologist, so if you're having problems, just go ahead and make an appt."
So I called and they're getting me in on Wednesday! I never realized that I wouldn't be considered a new patient with them since they're part of the same group. I thought I'd have to wait at least a month or longer to get in.
So fingers crossed I like this guy. I've never been to a man before... and he's my neighbor. Oh, the joys of living in a small town!
Re: Took your advice
Yipee, good luck!
Great news! I love my male OB/GYN, much more than any woman I've been to. It's almost as if the female OB/GYN's kind of are like, "yeah...been there, done that" whenever I would bring up a question and not take me seriously. My male OB/GYN is much more compassionate, believe it or not. When I was PG with DS, he and I had a really nice conversation about how fascinated he was about feeling the baby move inside, and I realized that yeah, it is kind of cool and guys don't get to really understand it.