I've had the runs (TMI, sorry!) since Sunday at least once a day and it happened at work this morning. Since I couldn't leave the freaking bathroom for more than 10 minutes at a time, I left work and made a dr appt. Went to my parents' house and begged DH to bring me my glasses and pj pants since it was his day off. Went to the dr, came back to my parents' house to wait for my mom to show up with DS (she picks him up from preschool every day). Turns out right before she picked him up, he spiked a fever and started throwing up at DC. We got his fever down with Tylenol and finally made it home. DS was doing great and even ate some dinner. We started watching Grey's Anatomy and DS fell asleep on me on the couch. We decided to get him to bed and that's when all hell broke loose. Apparently his fever came back with a vengeance. He vomited EVERYTHING back up on DS. Since he had some red Gatorade, it was colored red (sorry, TMI again!). This caused DH to have flashbacks from helping injured kids in Afghanistan. So I'm sick, DS is puking and DH is freaking out. Sigh... Take me away, Calgon!
Re: Seriously rough day at the Starr house.
Yikes - so sorry that you are dealing with all that right now! I hope today is a better day for all of you.