I finally figured out how to dress Michael for the winter and now it is spring time. ?It's going to be about 80-degrees tomorrow and I am not sure what to put Michael in. ?Shorts and a t-shirt? ?Cotton pants and a short sleeve onesie?
shorts and tshirt! It was 70 degrees today and Emma was in jean pants and a tshirt (with a onesie). But at 80 degrees I'd definitely have Emma in a sun suit. (no onesie) So no pants or shorts & sleeveless
My LO's been hanging out in just a onsie if we go out and in just a diaper if we're at home. I am trying not to use the air conditioning too much during the day and leave the doors and windows open for a nice breeze but he still gets a bit sweaty during the day.
Married 6-30-07, BFP 9-1-07, M/C & D&C 10-5-07, BFP #2 6-20-08, BFP #3 3-28-2010
Mommy to Ethan born 2-22-09 7lbs 13.5oz & 21" long
SAL Buddy to March04b2b
Family Blog|Food Blog
I also don't have a clue how to dress DD in warmer weather. I know I over dress her and she probably gets too hot. I just have no idea if it is high 60's-70's with a breeze.
It is usually hot here now so I dress Kate is dresses bc her legs are kinda chunky and finding shorts prove challenging. Ben usually gets shorts and a t-shirt or a onesie thingy that is shorts and short sleeves. No socks for either of them.
Re: How are you dressing your little one?
We're in Florida so Andrew's been wearing shorts and a tshirt for a long time.
If we're going some place like a restaurant that will be cold, I'll dress him in pants and either long sleeves or bring a jacket.
You're supposed to dress them in whatever you would feel comfortable in.