Parenting after a Loss

Added new Pics of the kids.

I have not posted on here much lately, been busy with the kids, and house project that was on hold when I got PG with DD. But I miss you ladies a lot.

Re: Added new Pics of the kids.

  • So cute!  I love Sarah's hair. :)
  • Tammy, they are so cute! So so cute. I hope the house is coming along well.
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  • versedversed member
    So adorable! Ben looks like such a big boy!! Smile
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  • tammy79tammy79 member

    Thanks ladies, sorry it took so long to reply, was doing bath for the kids. Yes sadly my little boy, now a big boy, almost 3 and talking like an adult, makes me so sad.?

    mrs. ross, I cannot believer how big Conner is, he such a big boy. I love the family pics on your blog. The house is coming along, DH is getting sick of me though ?(lol).?

  • OMGosh! Look at all that hair on that little girl! She looks so grown up!
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