If you're gonna fvck around on your wife with a 22 year old then get divorced or a separation first. ?I know that Kate is a pill but dude... do the right thing. You have 8 kids to think of. ?
Divorce totally screwed me as a kid. ?I feel sorry for them.?
And yes... I totally think he did it. ??
Re: Jon from Jon & Kate makes me ill.
I never heard this!
I agree, divorce sucks! Hopefully they can reamain peaceful and friends for the sake of their 8kids!
it's all over the rag mags and on tmz, access hollywood, entertainment tonight,etc. ?not sure about the show.?
no... I didn't see it. ?ugh. ?divorcee with 8 kids. ?Ai chihuahua. ?maybe they'll work it out but I know that I couldn't forgive something like that.
He is a total tool.?
Did you hear what "the other woman's" Brother reported? ?That he heard them having sex? ?Umm... gross. ?I think both Jon and Kate both know that A LOT of money is riding on all of this. ?Neither of them work - they live off this show and their appearances. ?I've read that Jon now lives above the garage. ?
Whatever is happening - it's all very sad for all of those cute little hapa kids. (((big hugs))) to them. ?