
RP for nighttime nesties! Clomid & IUI for me this cycle!

I met with the RE this morning and he is WONDERFUL! Very reassuring, and totally agreed w/ me that I need to be monitored. He did blood work, an ultrasound and talked to me for almost an hour--answering every question I had and then asking me again if I had any questions. SO different from my experience w/ the OB (who never called back, btw).?

He's got me starting clomid tonight through Sunday (higher dosage, but he said the likelihood of multiples actually remains the same, regardless of the dosage). Percentage of twins is 5%, of higher order multiples, less than 1%. I can live w/ those odds. I can live w/ the odds of twins and I can't NOT go forward with this on a less than 1% chance that it's more than twins, kwim??

Next Wednesday I go in for an ultrasound and after that it's OPKs. When I get a + OPK, DH and I go in for the IUI. He thinks my "problem" is my cervix----yet AGAIN. Because of the surgery that created the IC in the first place and from the cerclage; he just thinks the sperm is having too hard of a time getting past the cervix. So we're just going to go right past the cervix w/ the IUI.?

Keep your fingers crossed for us and thanks for all your positive thoughts and well wishes!!!!!

Re: RP for nighttime nesties! Clomid & IUI for me this cycle!

  • tell us the minute you go!! I am SO excited- what if this is the month?!? It probably is!!


  • REOMREOM member

    Sarah, I am SO happy for you- that is GREAT news!

    I *really* hope this is your month.

    You new sigs are adorable- hope Ethan had a great third birthday :)

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I am beyond excited for you and will be keeping my fingers crossed.  Love the birthday pics from yesterday.  Ethan is an adorable little man.

    Update - Looks like mine isn't ectopic and what the ultrasound tech saw was probably a cyst on my tube.  I'm miscarrying right now but am totally okay with it.  OB said my progesterone level was only 5 and would not have sustained a healthy fetus.  If we try again, after the headache issues are resolved, I will definitely be using progesterone supplements immediately.  All is good.

  • That's great news! Good luck with everything!
  • cmw&tdmcmw&tdm member

    Great news!  I'm rooting for you!!


  • That's awesome! Fingers double crossed!!
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • Trish--I'm so sorry this wasn't the time for you. (((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) ?:-( ? I hope we're pregnant together in the VERY near future!!!! xoxoxo
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