Hey ladies! Today is my last final, Friday is graduation, and parents get here today from South Africa! YAY! Hope all is going well for you this week, may all who test this week get a BFP!
GL and congrats my last final isn't until NEXT thursday and graduation isn't until June 4th! uhh I did pick up my golden tassle and stole for the honors society though, I felt so proud!
I tried to explain to my mom what the gold tassles are and she just laughed her butt off, saying I was going to look like a Christmas tree. They dont have valedictorian in SA either, so she kept tellin people, my daughter is a victaladorum!
Re: Last final!!
Cross-Cultural Communication. DH and I also are co-Valedictorians (first time they have two in the school's history) and we graduate summa *** laude!
LOL that they censored this... clearly the bump censors were not classical language majors!
WOW! That is impressive! That's great that you get to sharesomething so special! Congratulations to you both!
I tried to explain to my mom what the gold tassles are and she just laughed her butt off, saying I was going to look like a Christmas tree. They dont have valedictorian in SA either, so she kept tellin people, my daughter is a victaladorum!