For those of you who know my situation, I think I am finally getting back to "normal". Saturday my HCG was at 7 (found this out yesterday from the doc). Yesterday I started having cramps and I've been having some today.
My face started breaking out as well as my chest (sometimes typical, somtimes not).
I bet that I am back to zero now and am starting the go through typical cycle hormones again. THANK GOD!!!!
My dr. said that it will be 2 - 4 weeks after I hit 0 to start my period again. I cannot WAIT for that to happen. DH and I just want to move forward and try again. We will wait a couple of cycles but waiting for af to arrive after this D&C has been torture. The weekly blood draw isn't fun and most of the time there is only me and PG women in the waiting room. Last week I started crying in my own little exam room while waiting and listening to the other girl talk about the last draw where they took 7 viles. That was supposed to be me 5 weeks ago.
I cannot wait to be done and move forward, then I feel I can be fully healed.
Re: Back to normal finally?!?!?
i can't even imagine all that you have been through, but i am glad things are starting to go back to normal.
i know you can't wait to start trying again, i hope you guys can very soon.
I'm so sorry for your struggle! You are definitely in my thoughts lately. I'm glad to hear that things are going back to normal. I totally would have cried in the room, too. It must be hard to be in that position. I'm sorry
I'm sorry you have to go through this. I've had a D/C as well so I have been where you are. GL on getting everything back to normal so you can TTC again.
I hope it's your last draw, too! Good luck!
Help me spread Urea Cycle Disorder Awareness!! 2011 DD diagnosed with UCD 2012 started process for IVF with PGD 8/9/12 started stims- 8/20/12 ER- 20 retrieved, 19 ICSI'D, 12 biopsied 5 viable unaffected embryos 8/25/12 ET-1 "awesome" embryo-9/4/12 1st beta- BFP with HPT at 7dp5dt- Beta #1 9/4/12- 210!, Beta #2 9/6/12- 465, First scan on 9/19/12 Baby Boy due 5/13/13- diagnosed with a single umbilical artery
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