Did it ease your mind and make that cycle any easier for you? I'm thinking about not temping this cycle...but I'm not sure it's good for me. I don't want to regret not temping when I'm not really sure what's going on...
Please tell me what your experience was and any advice you can offer.
Re: Anyone who took a "charting break"...
I didn't chart my last (BFP) cycle. I felt reasonably comfortable about my O date and we just widened our sex window to make sure we covered the full range of days based on previous cycles.
I was a little nervous at certain points during the cycle, especially during O time. However, it was good for me overall. I had been obsessing too much during the 2ww over every temperature fluctuation. I think if I didn't get my BFP, I probably would have temped until O, then avoid temping for the rest of the cycle.
I'm pretty regular....so once I charted for a few months and got my schedule down I took a charting break and we just let nature take its course. 2 months later I got my BFP.
Good luck!
I quit temping the first three months we tried (I had temped for 3 months leading up to it) and I really regretted it. My cycles went to $hit and I had nothing to help me figure it out. OPKs weren't working for me (not sure I was even o'ing) so I didn't know if my timing was good. But I'm a bit of a control frreak. You need to do what you're comfortable with. If you will be less stressed, maybe you should consider it.
I'm a complete control freak....which is why at this point I think I would freak out if I wasn't temping....and by the way I PM'd you.
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally
i didn't chart my bfp cycle or the one before it. i was pretty sure about my O dates, and we just had sex every other dayish starting about a week before my usual O date and continuing for a week after. parts of me wished that i had temped so that i knew when i could test. but i just guessed on when would be safe to test and got lucky.
now the cycle before my bfp was another story. i had a crazy cycle that time. i charted til we left on vacation and was given cross-hairs but i don't think i really Oed then, if i had continued to temp it probably would have been moved. that cycle drove me crazy.
i guess that didn't help cause i had a good and bad cycle while not charting. good luck either way toot!
I have taken a "post-O" charting break. Last cycle I only wanted to chart up until I knew I O'd. I know how long my LP usually is, so I would know about when to expect AF. I did take my temp a day or two throughout the two weeks after O was confirmed, but it was definitely nice and not nearly as stressful for me analyzing every day's temp.
I had the same intention with this cycle (to only chart until O was confirmed) but because I had some open circles right around O time I wasn't sure if FF was correct or not...and I know sometimes when you keep charting it will adjust your O date. I won't wake myself up to chart on the weekends though.
I guess my point is, if you're like me and still like knowing that you are O'ing (and when you are) you could always just chart up until you got CHs. Good luck!
It took 44 cycles, just over 3 years, 6 failed IUI's in MI, and 1 round of IVF at CCRM to get our BFP!
Beta #1 (9dp5dt) = 206, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) = 438
1st u/s @ 6w5d = 11/11/11 = ONE little bean! HB 120bpm!
?Our Baby Boy Born June 26th, 2012?