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Or you are going to get banned again..
That monkey in the other post looks like it has a pee-pee. Obscene images!!!
You dirty dirty girl. That's his "weapon".
Look again!
::peers at screen::
Did you just do the John Bobbit on the monkey?!?
M.Monkey.: You dirty dirty girl. That's his "weapon". Look again!
That's what he said.
M.Monkey.:NO!!! Rogue is talking about the police officer I posted in her Thread. No laurena bobbits here. That's just plain wrong.
LMAO! Gotcha.
Rogue Lily:Lorena Bobbitt was on Oprah last week. She said John Wayne still sends her christmas cards, and is uber creepy.
Oh my. I can't say I'm sorry I missed that one.
Re: Monkey, you better watch out..
You dirty dirty girl. That's his "weapon".
Look again!
::peers at screen::
Did you just do the John Bobbit on the monkey?!?
That's what he said.
Zach Rance 4 President
LMAO! Gotcha.
Zach Rance 4 President
Oh my. I can't say I'm sorry I missed that one.