I just got a call from my doctor's office. Come to find out my insurance company does not cover fertility treatments including the HSG test I had scheduled for tomorrow (which is $1,100 without insurance) or the monitoring on Clomid (I still have to find out how much that costs).
Here I thought I was moving ahead and had a plan.
Re: F&^*# Me! Vent -- Includes F/U
Effing insurance.
Oh No! I'm so sorry. You must be so dissapointed.
That SUCKS, darling!
I'm so sorry!!
Help me spread Urea Cycle Disorder Awareness!! 2011 DD diagnosed with UCD 2012 started process for IVF with PGD 8/9/12 started stims- 8/20/12 ER- 20 retrieved, 19 ICSI'D, 12 biopsied 5 viable unaffected embryos 8/25/12 ET-1 "awesome" embryo-9/4/12 1st beta- BFP with HPT at 7dp5dt- Beta #1 9/4/12- 210!, Beta #2 9/6/12- 465, First scan on 9/19/12 Baby Boy due 5/13/13- diagnosed with a single umbilical artery
Oh yah, it gets so expensive. I CANNOT believe what insurance companies do cover and what they don't cover. It is really bad. I paid OOP for $500 of HSG and all monitoring($420 for each visit) for 1 cycle of clomid.?
I can't wait to see what the injectable cycle will cost. Ugh. Hang in there:)?
FFS. Sorry babe....ugh ugh ugh ugh.
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
I'm so sorry Savat. I know you've been having a hard time lately and you really didn't need that from your insurance. I really hope everything works out and that all of the struggle is worth it when you get your BFP.
You have my email if you want to talk. GL!
I'm sorry hon! Maybe you can talk them in to giving you a discount or find a place that will, good luck!
OK, I'm making progress here. I just got off the phone with the insurance company. They say they do cover diagnosis but not treatment, which means they should cover the HSG test. I have yet another call into my dr to see if there was a mistake made on their part. The lady who helped me said that they could have entered it in wrong since they also entered a diagnosis of LPD yesterday for the Clomid prescriptions.
Geez this is complicated!
Um, what? Do you blame all those mean people with cancer for diving up your premiums? I really, really hope I'm reading this wrong and you're being sarcastic.
Yuck..that sucks. Hopefully you can make headway with your Dr and find out what they did wrong. We're 100% OOP - nothing is covered. We thought diagnostic testing was but apparently because of what my Dr. codes the dgx as, they wont even look at it. Fortunatley the clinic I go to is helping me fight the battle with appeals and such but it looks like we're out about 1200 just for the diagnostic stuff plus 1600 for the IUI.
I know that's a piddly amt when you compare it to IVF'r that are OOP but that's still more than what we'd planned on.
DS 2/23/10
DD 7/31/2012