I'm scanning early-pregnancy-tests.com and amazon and finding that they are generally evenly priced for OPKs. It doesn't really matter what brand or kind of OPK one uses, right? I wouldn't think it makes much of a difference, does it? As a side note, I found a package on amazon that is a BBT, 25 OPKs, and 10 HPTs for like $9.

Joe and Ashley ~ June 16, 2007 ~ Olivia Rae ~ May 12, 2008 ~ 9:06 pm ~ 8lbs 4oz ~ 20.5 inches ~ Miscarriage of twins ~ April 16, 2009 at 6 weeks. ~ Surprise BFP 6/23/09 13DPO ~ Eleanor Rose ~ February 18, 2010 ~ 6lbs 15oz ~ 20 inches ~ Caroline Ruth ~ February 19, 2013 ~ 6lbs 12 oz ~ 19 1/4 inches
Our family is complete!
Re: OPK brand/type doesn't really matter, right?
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
I think part of it is trial and error. I used the Early Pregnancy Test ones at first and for some reason could never get a solid positive. One day in a pinch, I bought the Rite Aid store brand ones and I can get a positive on those.
I know there have been people who really only like the digitals or use them as confirmation when they see a positive on regular OPK. Everyone is different, I would personally say start cheap and see how it works for you.
Thank you IVF for our little miracles!!
Joe and Ashley ~ June 16, 2007 ~ Olivia Rae ~ May 12, 2008 ~ 9:06 pm ~ 8lbs 4oz ~ 20.5 inches ~ Miscarriage of twins ~ April 16, 2009 at 6 weeks. ~ Surprise BFP 6/23/09 13DPO ~ Eleanor Rose ~ February 18, 2010 ~ 6lbs 15oz ~ 20 inches ~ Caroline Ruth ~ February 19, 2013 ~ 6lbs 12 oz ~ 19 1/4 inches
Our family is complete!