Trying to Get Pregnant


OMG I KNEW IT!!!! I saw your chart on Saturday and I just knew that you were getting a BFP!!! YAY!!! I am so happy for you and DH!!! Have you told the girls from Sept 08 yet??


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  • Hey, thanks!  We are cautiously excited and anticipating the arrival.  I haven't told the girls over there yet, but I haven't been on that board since like December, so I don't know if I should. 
    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Your bump is very cute by the way!  How are you feeling?
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  • Oh I think you tell them. I dont post that much over there but I do lurk.. I am sure they would love to hear it!!

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  • here is the new link where they are all at now.

    Thanks!!! I have been feeling good. Well I say that but its starting to ache everywhere so I guess not so great! Ha.. I have always heard the 3rd tri is the worst and I am starting to believe it. I have adapted the fabulous waddle walk. Its quite stylish on me..heheehe..

    Only 11 more weeks!! I can't believe how fast it is going by.

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  • So do you remember Mrs.Keith (Amanda) She just posted on 1st tri that she got her BFP yesterday.. So Awesome.. Yall will be due around the same time...
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  • imageMrsR0908:
    So do you remember Mrs.Keith (Amanda) She just posted on 1st tri that she got her BFP yesterday.. So Awesome.. Yall will be due around the same time...

    I actually just went over there and read her post about being  2 days late.  That's exciting!

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