I h-a-t-e june bugs!!! They have sticky legs like grasshoppers ... & both seem to grow freakishly large here in Texas!!! We have them all over outside and with the windows open my cats go nuts trying to get to them.
aren't june bugs the huge ones with big exoskeletons? The kind that hiss and make a loud noise when they tap against the window? Holy crap, I would stay in a hotel if there was ONE of those in my house!
Re: Holy eff....giant june bugs in the house.
ok. i can do spiders and worms and solpugids and Jerusalem crickets .... but june bugs GROSS ME THE FVCK OUT. they like, cling to you. OMFG.
the horror.
::prays for no june bugs::
may i offer you a can of raid?
Ever seen palmetto bugs? Those made me cry when I lived in SC.
They'd fall out of the light fixture onto the bed in the middle of the night.
there is something similar in vegas.... GROSS.
but june bugs still win for scariest bug ever.
just reading that made me scream. I am a major girly girl when it comes to bugs. Can't stand any of them. Especially MOTHS.
Nothing is worse for me than the spiders here.
I freeze in fear, literally.
DH has a really nasty scar from a brown recluse bite last fall. That was NOT FUN.