LMAO. Where did you find that? I can't believe people actually put this stuff on the internet, or that they take the time to shave themselves like this. hehehe...
man.... and I thought it was gross when dh shaves so he only has a mustashe and chases me around doing accents.
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015 }
Re: When a man is hairy
That is just wrong on so many levels
and who is that strapping young man???
My THIRD brother husband, that's who!!!!
Mmmmmm delish!
man.... and I thought it was gross when dh shaves so he only has a mustashe and chases me around doing accents.
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015