2nd Trimester

I just keep getting rounder...

Today I have accepted that I will gain 12391839+ lbs in the next few months, and I'm looking for someone to roll me around.

These food cravings are starting to get insane. I can't believe all the food that I'm going after, but like I said, I've accepted that I will put on tons of weight.

 It all started this morning on the drive to work. I was driving and a Keebler truck drove past me. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. All morning I thought about the little Elf Shaped cookies with the fudge... then finally it was lunch time. 

I ran over to Pick N Save and of course I didn't but my blinders on. I walked past the deli section and saw the sandwiches. Roast beef & cheddar... yummmm! Who could resist? Not I. Grabbed one, and continued on my mission for my cookies. Dammit! Lunch meat section... I just saw this little yellow box calling my name. Then I remembered how much I enjoyed these when I was a kid... So I picked up a turkey Lunchables. Finally I got to the cookie isle. I quickly grabbed my cookies and just zoomed to the check out line, I had to get out of the store before I bought everything.

On the drive back to work I decided that I needed something to wash it all down. So I drive to McDonalds to get a shake. When I got there I decided that I couldn't just get a shake, so I ALSO got a cheeseburger.

Ugh. I couldn't believe that I bought so much food. But no worries. I didn't eat it all. I just ate my lunchable, and I swear it was the most delicious thing that I have ever had. I strongly urge you to pick one up.

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