I did not get a flu shot in fall of 2008; before I was pregnant.
Does anyone know how to find out where I can get a flu shot now?
I called my OB office and primary care office and they do not know. They say 'call around'.
Called around and the places that usually have it say that they no longer have it. Only have it in the fall.
Called the CDC info line and I was on hold forever; probably due to Swine Flu.
Did you recently get your flu shot? Where did you get your flu shot?
Re: Where did you get your Flu Shot?
Are you wanting a flu shot to avoid H1N1?
(yes, I'm being politically correct)
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Yer smart
The O'Baby Blog
It's probably too late.
And it won't protect you from H1N1.
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There is a potential Swine Flu incident at my work place; pending CDC confirmation.
When I called my OB's office, she questionned why I did not get a flu shot. She explained that it will not prevent Swine Flu but she just does not want me to get sick in general. My pregnancy is high risk...
I don't even think there is an H1N1 vacc at this point. They said it could take months to create and distribute one.??
The O'Baby Blog
Here is a website that searches clinics that offer the flu shot:
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