Trying to Get Pregnant

My dog just ate (now with PIP)

A LARGE chunk of the kitchen floor. It was the last piece of original flooring in the house, and we were planning to replace it anway, but geez! She ripped up and ate about a 5 foot square of linoleum.


Re: My dog just ate (now with PIP)

  • imagecpiccotti:

    She ripped up and ate about a 5 foot square of linoleum.

    Sounds super tasty!   ::gag::  lol atleast you wanted to replace it anyway. My guys seem to go for the things I want :P

  • LOL. She usually has better taste than this. Yesterday, it was the cat's bed, and last week, it was the hallway rug.

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  • Me thinks your dog is going to be constipated! LOL
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  • five feet??!!  I thought my dog could destroy some stuff, but yours definately wins!
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  • She is going to be constipated or poop out some kind of woven rug/bed creation! Maybe you can sell it as doggie art :P
  • Our dog was sleeping in the bathroom at nights (first step of sleeping out of the crate. He decided to chew a large hole in our lenoleum.... apparently he thought we needed to re-do the bathroom floor!!!! Glad to hear you were going to replace it anyway!
  • She has GOT to be friends with my bassett.

    Izzy has eaten the baseboards, chewed a hole through the is endless.

    I love the way your dog looks all proud of herself in the picture!

    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)



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