Nah, I decided to be a good Granny, and bought the little mother a breeding tank, that has holes and a separate section for the fish babies to escape to, so mom can't eat them.
Nah, I decided to be a good Granny, and bought the little mother a breeding tank, that has holes and a separate section for the fish babies to escape to, so mom can't eat them.
Nah, I decided to be a good Granny, and bought the little mother a breeding tank, that has holes and a separate section for the fish babies to escape to, so mom can't eat them.
a) how do you know that a fish is pregnant?
b) i have never heard of this breeding tank... me likes.
Nah, I decided to be a good Granny, and bought the little mother a breeding tank, that has holes and a separate section for the fish babies to escape to, so mom can't eat them.
a) how do you know that a fish is pregnant?
b) i have never heard of this breeding tank... me likes.
See? You just float this puppy in the top of the tank, and put Mama in there. The babies are teeny, and will float down through the holes into the bottom level, and be safe from anyone trying to eat them.
I have a bunch, but the skank in question is a Guppy. Named Lulu. Her boyfriend is Zulu, cause he looks like a Zulu warrior. Lulu rhymes. We are simple folk.
Re: Gotta love the irony....
She'll just eat the babies anyway.
So I declare that AT LEAST a tie.
Aw, you're the best granny ever!
Why is there mashed potatoes on yout screen??
a) how do you know that a fish is pregnant?
b) i have never heard of this breeding tank... me likes.
I was just going to ask the same've got to explain that one
See? You just float this puppy in the top of the tank, and put Mama in there. The babies are teeny, and will float down through the holes into the bottom level, and be safe from anyone trying to eat them.
The mental image of a fishing checking out a pee stick and exclaiming with glee makes me LOL.
(Plus, she is totes wearing a lace collar and pearl necklace in this mental image)
Zach Rance 4 President
ohh I have a headache from laughing
haha, makes sense
guess you've got to be careful what you're eating or drinking while reading posts on here.
Oh, and how bout Guppies are only KU for 28 days. 28 DAYS!
What kind of fish do you have?
I am guessing guppies...
Well, tell her that there is always University of Phoenix...
Zach Rance 4 President
ROTFLMAO! This is hysterical and yet incredibly painful, noise still hurts my head. Stupid migraine!
OMG! I just spit out my iced tea reading this! Bwahahaha!
bwahahahaha, dying over here with the "multiples" comment.
Zach Rance 4 President
I just spit out my coffee. That seriously cracked me up!