2nd Trimester

hit and run

so i am casually driving home today and as i slowed down for some elementary school kids who were crossing the street and a man rear ended me. naturally i am annoyed so i pull over and roll down my window. ?the jerk pulls up next to me tells me its my fault and that i will be getting the ticket because i can't just slow down like that in the middle of the road. ?then he leaves! lucky for me i got his tag number. ?not the way i like to start the week.

Re: hit and run

  • UGH! I'm glad it was more of an annoyance than anything else...I hope they get that idiot!!!!!

  • So sorry to hear about that jerk.  It isn't your fault.  He was traveling too  close and not being attentive.  Plus leaving the scene.  HOpe you feel ok and nothing happened. 
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  • I would be furious!! Contact the local police and your ins asap. You should also go get checked out at the ER, even if you arent seriously injured..never knwo what pains could come up a week from now.  Last year ( a week before my wedding!) a 17 yr old uninsured, unlicenced kid ran through a red light  hitting me on the drivers side at 45 mph. Luckily for me there was a fire truck right behind me who saw the entire thing. He blamed me and refused to accept responsibility. Nothing like added stress a week before your wedding. Happy you are ok, hope this guy gets a big ticket for hit and run.
  • yeah, i called the police right away and they are doing an investigation. ?i can go pick up my police report in a couple days and see if this jerk has insurance. ?i am going to my dr. today to make sure all is good.
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