Today DH and I got an invite to a housewarming party for one of our friends. On the top of the invitation, it stated that the couple was registered at Walmart, Kohls, and Lowes. Well, they were married less than 2 years ago and had registered at the same places and have been living with her parents until last month when they bought their house. Am I wrong to think that it is a little tacky to register for gifts when you recieved A LOT of nice wedding gifts that hadn't even been opened until this time? I am just not used to someone registering for a housewarming party, esp. if they have already been married for a while. TIA!
and the greatest of these is love......2/10/07
David Noah joined us 08/08/09
Proud BE mommy!
Colbie Faith joined us 05/20/11!
Re: Registering for a housewarming?
I think that is really tacky of them.
I would maybe bring a (cheap) bottle of wine, but no way would I indulge them in their gift-grabbiness.
I think that's crazy. I didn't register for my wedding, and I didn't even have a housewarming party. To me, their invite is just asking for gifts. I would NOT shop on that registry, bring something tiny!
so tacky!
you dont register for a housewarming.... period
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
Tacky Tacky Tacky
May I suggest a copy of "Ms Manners" for their personal library?
It's funny that you bring this up today, I had this conversation with my coworkers at lunch this afternoon. I think it is one of the most tacky things that you could ever do, ESPECIALLY if the couple registered for their wedding. I guess I could understand it if they never had a wedding shower registry, but it is absolutely ridiculous to include registry information in a housewarming party invite, especially if they are throwing the housewarming party themselves.
My cousin did this a few years ago.
I can understand registering for things you know you are going to get yourself, if only for the sake of getting the "registry completion" discount. If people ask if there's anything specific they can buy you, I guess it is okay at that point to direct them to the registry, but to include it in the invitation is rude.
BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
Our little man is getting bigger every day!
My BFP Chart
:::butts in from 0-6::
That is A LOT tacky. Holy hell, what is wrong with people.
I knew a girl who did this, a year after their wedding and their THIRD apartment together. Needless to say, I didnt go to the housewarming at all, I was so disgusted.
PS This girl and her husband also threw their dogs "birthday parties" and sent out emails saying what their dogs wanted - links included so you could order!!!
"You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."
Tacky as tacky can be...
Get them a Friends and Family plate which is supposed to be passed along. It has a poem on it that says "This plate shall have no owner, for its journey never ends. It travels in the circle of our family and our friends....So please enjoy what's on this plate, then fill it up again, And pass along the love it holds to Family and your Friends."
(I actually LOVE the plate, but I've given it when a gentle rebuke is needed....)
no way!!! the nerve of some people...