I have been trying since Jan. and was diagnosed in late March with High Prolactin level. I started on the meds 2 weeks ago. I have not had a period since Jan. Dr. said I should start in 6 weeks or so. My question is this do I have to wait for a period before I can use the monitor or can I start now. I am charting as well and I had a high temp on Sat. Will I O before my period arrives? Don't you O and then have a period. With out O'ing your don't have a period, right? I have TCOYF and still confused about a few things. I just need a little help! TIA
Re: O Question!!! CBEMF? Please help!
CBEFM allows you to begin using the monitor anywhere from cycle day 1 to cycle day 5. CD1 is the first day of your period (actual flow). Until you have your period, you won't know what cycle day you are on. So, you really should wait to use your monitor.
You may or may not ovulate on a given cycle. Charting can help confirm O, CBEFM will only predict it. Ovulation generally precedes your period by 10-14 days.
I agree with what the previous posts said...but if you're still confused you either need to REread TCOYF as far as how your body's working...or talk to you doctor. I thought TCOYF was pretty clear on explaining the process.
Definitely wait until you actually get AF to start to user the CBEFM.
GL to you.
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