2nd Trimester

Sticky Work Situation

I'm looking for some advice from other moms-to-be regarding work.  I work as an executive assistant at a large retail corporation.  I support 3 vice presidents and a department of 30 people.  Let me preface by saying I HATE this job... I took it as an escape from another job, and meant for it to only be temporary.  I'm going on two years now, and each day seems worse than the last.  My bosses (all male) are rude, condescending, and have no consideration for me or how difficult my job is.  They are extremely demanding and high maintenance.  I've talked to HR, and found them to be unhelpful with the situation.  Since I found out I'm pregnant, I've been trying to stick it out until my maternity leave (due October 29th).  However, it seems that I am stressed, anxious, and near tears almost everyday - not to mention the 1 hour commute each way.  I can't help but wonder if this is healthy for me, or more importantly, for the baby.  My husband has a well-paying job, but I'm hesistant to quit and lose my income months before we planned.  What should I do?  How can I deal better?  Or is the best thing for the baby to remove myself from the situation?  What would you do?  Any suggestions or guidance is greatly appreciated!!!!!! 

Re: Sticky Work Situation

  • Were you going to go back after baby?  If not, and you can get by on his income, I would say give your notice and reduce your stress level.
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  • I don't know if it varies State-by-State, but if you do end up leaving your job, cant you apply for maternity leave disability until you go back to work?

    Good luck with everything!

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  • Talk to your doctor.  See if you can get pulled out early for stress.
  • I have a similar situation in that I teach in an all male department. My issues were with one bastard pig of a man who made my life a nightmare but I digress.... I understand the stress. HR is in a tough situation as nothing specific has been done (that you mentioned) there fore they can take no specific action. My HR actually told me that I am not pleasant work place, just a work place. I checked with a lawyer and they were right. That doesn't make it right but it is really hard to force someone to NOT be a jacka** when that is what they are.

    The district eventually "suggested" mediation. I met w/ the lady three times on my own and we met w/ her together once (that did not go well...). What I learned is that I am not nuts, that this guy does have a serious problem and I learned some coping mechanisms.

    Long story short, keep a record of everything (whether you think it is important or not) w/ a time, date and witnesses. See a counselor if you can. I found it cathartic just to write the crap down in a notebook. When I did it stopped swimming around in my head all the time.

    The frustrating thing is that this sitaution is wrong and there is so little you can do. Sit down w/DH and look over the financials. Make a decision to go 2-3 more months and maybe having a light at the end of the tunnel (a little closer than planned) will help you survive this.

    Good luck.

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