So when my BF and I found out we were PG we agreed that some things can be bought second hand and some things ( ex: car seat ) would def. have to be bought new. Now that we are starting to slowly buy the more exp items so that the cost doesnt add up in the last couple months my BF is starting to try and convince me that the things I wanted to buy new should be bought used. Example ....I wanted a new crib and matching change table. Now that i've started looking hes convinced that a used one will do me just fine and now has all his friends looking around for me. Now I know some things used are fine !! Im not saying that ....but this is my first child and I wanted some things that I got to pick out myself , not setteled on bc they were cheeper or free. Am I being crazy or does my argument sound reasonable???
** crib $200 change table $120
Re: BF & New vrs Used ....
its hard to find a good used crib that meets all the present standards and many websites say to just stay away from them. Plus, you can get a new crib for $200 or even less so there is no need to break the bank over it.
We bought both our crib and changing table used, and theyre in near perfect condition, and we only paid 150.00 for them both! there were only a couple places on the legs of the crib that needed a lil stain, but its a beautiful crib and changing table, and the crib changes to toddler bed then full size bed. We got lucky it took a lot of searching, but Im happy, Id really rather wait to buy expensive peices of furniture when my child is old enough to appreciate it. And if I bought a 1,000.00 crib and my child ruined it (bc kids do that) id just get irritated... used will do for me.
Now used breast pumps..thats a different story....::shivers::
Baby Bargains says you should never buy a used crib or a used carseat.?
Other items I refuse to take second hand (for obvious reasons) are the breast pump, bottles/nipples, pacifiers and a crib mattress.?
If your only argument is this is your first baby then I can see why he is still pushing the issue, do a little research on why you should buy a new crib and maybe he will see your side. ?
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