I posted this on 2nd tri too, but I know a lot of the GP mama's hang out here.
I LOVE the bedding by Serena & Lily called Alex, but it's $465 for the 3 pience set. I found a woman who can make it and will do so for $300. Still seems so expensive. What are you all paying for your nursery bedding?
Re: GP Mama Question- What did u pay for bedding?
We got our bedding at Toys R us, it was regular 140 (or something like it) and got it on sale for like 89.99....so it was pretty good!
Who did you get to cusomt make yours? A company??
P.S. I LOVE what you did for Henry's name. I might steal that idea.
Joe and Ashley ~ June 16, 2007 ~ Olivia Rae ~ May 12, 2008 ~ 9:06 pm ~ 8lbs 4oz ~ 20.5 inches ~ Miscarriage of twins ~ April 16, 2009 at 6 weeks. ~ Surprise BFP 6/23/09 13DPO ~ Eleanor Rose ~ February 18, 2010 ~ 6lbs 15oz ~ 20 inches ~ Caroline Ruth ~ February 19, 2013 ~ 6lbs 12 oz ~ 19 1/4 inches
Our family is complete!
I will be making my own cribskirt, curtains, and bumper, possibly a blanket/quilt to match. So it shouldn't cost me more than $20-30 for materials. I cannot even think to spend that much on bedding as I've seen on some sites...
I have lots of handmedown crib sheets and I can make the changing pad cover too.
We aren't doing a coordinated bedding set. It would have been too hard to match bedding to how we painted the room (pics in gp mamas blog or in blog in siggy), and painting a room to match a blanket seemed to be putting the cart ahead of the horse in our opinion. She will be sleeping in a swaddle or sleep sack for a lot of time in the beginning anyway, and we aren't using a bumper in the beginning (and will get a breathable one later). A good friend is making a baby quilt that we might use later as well.
Basically, we're just registering for sheets. I've been told by pretty much everybody we'll get lots of soft blankets as gifts. I plan on (hopefully) making a crib skirt to match curtains so that we can do some storage under the crib.
I found her on Etsy...SeamsByGwenny. She is awesome and will work with you if you want something other than her "pattern". I ordered my own fabric and had it sent to her so the price was less than it is listed on her listings...if that makes sense.
I've just recently been looking on Etsy.com so I'll check out the group you went with. Thank you.
How did you locate her? When I type it in the search it wont pop up.
we looked for a really long time to find bedding we liked. figures we fell in love with a set for $450, and there was no way we were spending that. so we decided to just buy the crib sheets and get a plain bumper that matched. no crib skirt, no quilt. we got the bumper at our shower ($20), and are buying 3 crib sheets, each $30.
See if this link will take you to her...
There are pictures of the set she made for me in my blog if you haven't seen it already...I am in LOVE with it
THe link worked. Thank you!! Looks like she did a good job on your set so I'm excited to contact her.