So I am a little worried after my doctors visit today. It was supposed to just be a short visit to talk about my sono from last week, but it turned into much much more. He first off stated that my cervix was a little shorter than normal, and it might cause a premature labor later on. This kind of freaked me out, but it wasn't the worst thing I could have heard. I was able to come to terms with this new information.
(TMI) He said he wanted to feel my cervix to make sure things were ok. After he finished he said that I was a centimeter dilated, and that he wanted to perform surgery tomorrow. This overwhelmed me quite a bit. I mean I have been having small pains, more like tenderness in my cervical region, but not really any contractions or anything. After he explained what the surgery would in tale it was a little easier to deal with. He said he wanted to put a stitch in my cervix to help prevent any more early dilation.
After having some time to calm down, I am still a little nervous about the whole thing. This is my first surgery ever, and definitely the first time I have ever been put under. So a little worried and just hoping that everything goes well tomorrow morning!
Re: Premature Dilation.
GL tomorrow. While not exactly common, this procedure is very successful in keeping the baby on the inside. The ladies onthe High-Risk board might be able to answer some of your more specific questions/concerns if you need more reassurance.
I hope everything goes well.
Sorry! I've heard of different women having this too. I didn't realize you'd have to be under for it especially if its just a stitch. GL its just a precaution to keep things normal not a reason to worry!
Ditto--I had PTL in a prev pg and this pg the High Risk Preg board answered a lot of my questions about prevention and such. Many have had the cerclage you are having tomorrow and have lots of info. Also, post on the preemie board. Several of those ladies have also had the procedure.