so i had almost no sleep last week for a variety of reasons. i was so excited to sleep in this week. no such luck: i got up early this morning when my mom called and asked me to pick up my 13 year old sister from school (she's "sick"). i decided that's fine, i can sleep in tomorrow. so we watched a couple of movies and were having fun hanging out.
i spent about 20 minutes preparing a delicious goat cheese and mozzarella pizza and put it in the oven. i went to check it when the timer beeped, picked it up with one of those big spatula things and checked the bottom of it: perfectly golden-brown, yay! then, for no reason at all, my hand decided to turn, causing the pizza to fall. it slid all the way down the door of the oven and landed on the bottom of the oven. thank god i got it out before the entire house filled with smoke.
i finally cleaned it up and luckily found some little mini-pizzas in the freezer to make, but WTF i just wanted to eat my pizza!
Re: wtf monday (vent)
WTF- I'm crazy tired and crabbit.
it's called a kilt, he's scottish