I have had abdominal pain since Saturday morning. Went to the ER Saturday night. Baby is fine. Was told I had bad indegestion and got sent home. (however we did find out that we are most likely having a girl, 70% chance) I felt so stupid. Anyway, the pain has subsided but it's still there, especially when I eat. If I eat something my stomach hurts. It's not lower abdominal it's upper and on the right, sometimes I feel it in my back. SO the nurse put me on the brat diet. Bananas, rice, apples, and toast. Seriously I am so hungry... at least i have an appetite, I just feel like I need something more filling. This sucks. Sorry just whining.?
Re: I am hungry... how can I stick to this?
Oh, that super sucks!
How about liquids? You'll be peeing every half hour, but you can ease the hunger by drinking juices, gatoraide, lemonaid, whatever you like. It'll probably help with the indigestion as well.