When do you plan on telling them that you're not coming back? I feel kind of bad right now because I know that I'm definitely not coming back to work, so when people ask me about it,it's almost like I'm lying. However, I don't want to tell them just yet because they have been doing some layoffs & while DH & I will be ok on one paycheck, we're not quite ready for that just yet. I'm due 8/26 & will be done with work probably two weeks before my due date, I was thinking about telling them mid July?
Re: Those who aren't returning to work...
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
whenever you give someone your notice, they could opt to lay you off immediately. 2 weeks is standard because its most "fair" to the employeer and you, however, you should be ready to go the day you tell (ie computer has no personal stuff on it, you could throw all your personal photos in your bag, etc) just in case there is a backlash. I would especially be concerned about this happening if there were layoffs at my work. As tempting as it is, its in your best interest to not give your notice earlier than 2 weeks. Most places are scrabbling to replace you with just 2 weeks notice anyways, but its better to be in this position versus being let go before you are ready.
I'm lucky - I work for my dad - and he fully supports me being a SAHM. He knows it's what I've always wanted and he cried when I told him and my mom that I was pregnant. In fact, for months prior to my bfp, he kept asking when we were going to have a baby! He's so excited.
Good luck to you ladies with the tough situations. I wish I could pass the ease of my situation on to you!
If you are planning on collecting Short term disability or your company offers any type of paid leave- I would not tell them until that is exhausted because they can stop payment if you give notice that you are not returning.
However, I am returning unless I hit the lotto between now and September first!