at 7 from 15 last week. WHY oh WHY are my levels taking so long to go to 0?!?!
I just want to be done. They told me to wait 2 weeks now to have it drawn. I dislike this office and was just sticking with them until this who thing was over. Their reason ... most ladies take a test and think they are pregnant and their HCG levels just haven't gone down from their miscarriage. Well mine are at 7. I dont think I'm going to be one of these ladies. I chart...know when I ovulate. If it did come back positive it would more than likely be because I am ku. At this point I'm still waiting for my first AF after the d&c.
I'm still going to call another Dr. today to try to set up an appointment to meet with him so I can become a new patient. He was highly recommended by a few people, one being my SIL who I trust a lot.
I feel like a pin cushion and it's for no good reason.
Re: Son of a ....
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
I know how it feels to be waiting for AF after a mc. I am in that boat right now! Sorry your numbers are taking so long to go down. Here's to hoping we can both try again soon!!
I repeatedly asked my dr. if my level had to be at zero for me to get my period. He said no. After much research on the internet, all. signs say yes.. your level must reach zero before you have another period, and that period won't start until approx 4 weeks after that.
The way it sounds I will not be getting my period until sometime next month. Really bites.
Larkin and Bryce