I've been here well over 2 months. I suppose I just don't post enough - I still have the dreaded "NEWBIE" sign under my aviator. How the heck many post do you need to go to BRONZE POSTER?!
It has been quite a while since I have been flamed...that s a good sign! - I mean.... I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
Re: I'm tired of being a Newbie...
The newbie status is good b/c you are allowed to ask stupid questions. Expectations are low.
Stick around an post a little more!
500, why do you care so much about an arbitrary label?
We don't call people "newbies" based on the label....
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
Good words cc. But not on old posts though!
Phewf! Thank goodness! hehe
LMAO corgi. You turned out alright sweetie!
Thanks, I have been trying really hard. But it is true, I would consider myself a newbie. I KNOW I have a lot to learn.
You have been, and it shows
Good job.