Okay girls, here is the lowdown:
2nd cycle of clomid
First cycle doing acupuncture. I had acupuncture on CD 8 (stimulate/strengthen ovulation) and 1DPO (aide in implantation, thicken uterine lining).
We used pre-seed although I didn't really need it.
I did pineapple core 1-5DPO this cycle (First time doing pineapple core).
Symptoms: Starting at 9DPO...sore boobs. Last night (11DPO) I got really bloated as soon as I finished dinner and all I had was a chopped chicken salad. DH thinks my boobs look bigger but I just thought AF was coming. This morning I had to force feed myself breakfast. I just wasn't hungry.
That's it. No implantation spotting/dip, no cramps, no other symptoms. Just the sore boobs pretty much. Thanks for all the congrats in my original post. You girls are great!
Re: Details and Symptoms
Congrats! I didn't see your BFP post.
Me: 37 DH: 39 DS: 4
TTC/PG Blog | Mommy Blog
Help me spread Urea Cycle Disorder Awareness!! 2011 DD diagnosed with UCD 2012 started process for IVF with PGD 8/9/12 started stims- 8/20/12 ER- 20 retrieved, 19 ICSI'D, 12 biopsied 5 viable unaffected embryos 8/25/12 ET-1 "awesome" embryo-9/4/12 1st beta- BFP with HPT at 7dp5dt- Beta #1 9/4/12- 210!, Beta #2 9/6/12- 465, First scan on 9/19/12 Baby Boy due 5/13/13- diagnosed with a single umbilical artery
Congrats to you!!
This is my 2nd cycle of clomid so im hoping it works!
Congratulations again! I am so happy for you.
Your symptoms are almost identical to mine, except my cramps that started around 10DPO. Do we get a PIP of your tests soon? I don't know why, but I love seeing positive tests.