Today I am very very irritated with clients/customers and coworkers. I have stored up a good supply of throat punches and I've been dishing them out CONSTANTLY on this glorious Monday.
1. Client blames me personally for his issue. Yes, I get it, you're upset. But really, blame the pregnant lady who was never involved thus far? NOT SMART.
2. Coworkers have been passing by my desk thinking out loud to me. I DON'T CARE if you should send an e-mail to your children stating that you would be just fine with just a card for Mother's Day instead of them trying to figure out a gift for you blah blah blah blah. I DON'T CARE.
::VENT OVER!:: (sorry)
Who else needs some throat punches today? Get them while they're hot!
Re: Handing out free throat punches, get them while they're hot!