1. That I see a strong, healthy baby and heartbeat at my OB appointment, and...
2. That I poop before said appointment.
Seriously, I feel beyond constipated right now. And I know they're going to weigh me at my appointment a mere hour from now. When they weighed me last Friday, I was at 126 - my normal weight is around 123 and I usually gain some water weight throughout the day, so to see 126 on the scale at 4pm in the afternoon was actually fairly reassuring. But if I can't produce the goods within the next hour, I'm afraid to see what my "weight gain" will have been since a little over a week ago. Especially since I just ate lunch, hoping it would spur some action down there. But I think my plan backfired because now I feel twice as bloated.
Re: My two wishes for today...
GL at your appointment! Let us know how it goes.
::poo dust::
poo dust made me laugh so hard!!
GL cant wait to hear how the apt goes!!
ha ha!! ::poo dust::!!!
::Rolls in poo dust::
::poo dust:::
so funny!!
GL at your appt, hopefully you'll be able to poo beforehand.
LOL, that's kind of a disgusting mental picture.