I have had severe cramping in my stomach (the actual stomach, not my uterus...) almost 2 days now. I plan on calling the clinic consulting nurse, but was hoping someone could shed a little light on the topic before I call...sometimes that can make it easier for everyone involved.
My husband an I ate out, but ate different things. We shared orange juice. About 20 minutes after he ate, he said he felt bloated. He was red in the face and hot to the touch. He kept complaining that he just didn't feel well. This lasted about six hours.
Around the time my husband started to feel better, I started to feel "full." I could barely eat and didn't feel well, kind of all around. By 3 hours later, I was having full on stomach cramping and pain.
I didn't feel sick to my stomach. I didn't vomit. I had something that wasn't quite diarrhea (sorry, tmi), but nothing I'd rate as terrible.
Okay, so a few hours, I'd chock it up to food poisioning. However, that was almost 2 days ago! I've spent every hour since that first moment full, bloated, and cyclically cramping to the point that I really have to stop and focus on the pain about every 10 min - 1 hour, depending on the cycle.
I got scared last night when the cramps seemed to radiate downward toward the baby. I started freaking that this would be contractions, however, they DO not feel like menstral cramps in any way. They totally feel like they're JUST below the sternum and they are sharp, and intense for less than a minute at a time, without any regular intervals. Last night they were 1-10 min apart.
I keep wondering if this could just be the worst gas I've ever experienced, but nothing seems to help. I've done gas-x. I've taken Maloxx. I've tried locking myself in the bathroom. I've tried ginger-ale. I've done soup....
Is this food poisoning? Is it a virus? Is it pregnancy like I've never heard of? Is it the worst gas ever? I have no idea what is going on. I just know I'd like it to stop. I'd like to be able to eat - I am hungry. I live on jello, tea, and chicken broth right now. Everything else makes my stomach angry.
Please, help me out if you can. I can give more information if you need.
Re: Severe Stomach Pain - not abdominal
I get this way after any meal. I can not eat out anymore and I can only eat very small portions, or severe stomache ache, have to go to the bathroom, acid reflux. Everything. Orange Juice is a huge no no for me, gives me severe reflux, my Dr advices me to skip juices. Last night my inlaws wanted to take me out for early mothers day. I just got a small salad and a baked sweet potatoe, trying to keep it safe. Sick all night. The day before my brother had a BBQ, within minutes of eating, severe pains, had to go to the bathroom. I have had to really change my eating habits but it is tough as sometimes you have to go do dinners and functions, and want to eat. I'm not overeating at all but it all kills me.
Good Luck! It sucks.
Well, I'm hoping this isn't normal. I cannot eat. Period. I mean, I've had to cut back on portions, etc., since my stomach is squishing, sure.
But, for 2 days, I haven't been able to eat so much as a 1/2 cup of rice or a bananna without severe pain. Hence the jello and chicken broth diet.
Please, God, please don't say this is "normal."
OJ is a huge no no for me as well. I had a glass of it last week and I was so uncomfortable for 2 days, gas and cramping. I will NEVER drink it again.
Do you think maybe you pulled a muscle or something?
I'm not having a good day today either. I am really uncomfortable. The right side of my belly (not uterus) is really sore. Not cramping, but really sore. Almost like I pulled a muscle or something while sleeping.
If it's still bothering you, I would give the doctor a call. Also, I would try to avoid bananas. Supposedly they bind you, so that might make your problem worse if you become constipated. Just a thought.
I am keeping hydrated as best as I can and am up on the prenatals. I take them at the same time every single day. I haven't let this thing stop me.
I have been fairly leary of liquid other than clear since I had some tea English style (a little non-dairy creamer) and my stomach went berserk.
I'll call the nurse today and see what she says. I know I have to worry some about getting the right food in there for baby. I know this can be an issue. I'm hoping this thing quits soon.
I've been having slightly looser stool (TMI...sorry...) so I wasn't afraid of the banana. I was kinda hoping it'd help. I kind of figured maybe this was also due to this stomach thing, since this is unusual for me.
I've never heard of 7-up with salt...how much salt?