My doctor told me today that charting is overkill....that it was good i did it at first to see if i was Ovulating, but now its silly and i'm putting too much pressure on us....
anyone else's dr's just not so thrilled about charting? she made me feel 2 inches tall....
Re: Drs and Charting
Mine has never even suggested it to me. I think he thinks about the much stress ect...
I'm trying it though. (first month)
tell that doc to suck it. Without charting, I would have never known the cycle that my O day jumped from the usual of CD22 all the way to CD39. Hell, that to me would have been testing time and I would have been freaking out for 2 weeks until my AF finally showed.
Also, if you don't chart - you can't really know when to test/when you're late, etc...
TTC#1 Chart
TTC#2 Chart
IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09)
med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
Because I charted, my doctor was able to see that my past cycle was both long and anovulatory. She is having me come in at 7dpo for testing instead of the typical CD21 check in. So I feel like charting is helping with my treatment.
She did not want to see my charts...ooh well. I think that we're doing a great thing for ourselves ladies!!
oh and FWIW, both my PCP and my RE we're extremely supportive of charting and actually told me to continue.
(my PCP is a woman who was 38 at the time. My RE - also a woman in her mid-40s).
TTC#1 Chart
TTC#2 Chart
IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09)
med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
My RE said to continue charting ONLY if it doesn't add once ounce of strees to my life. She said if I even stress a tiny bit, it is not good.
What was interesting though was that she just glanced at my charts for just like 2 seconds, said "they're excellent" and went about her business. She didn't analyze when we did the deed, or anything other factors.
She kinda killed my interest in charting a little.
TTC Since 10/08 4 IUIs=BFNx4
IVF#1=BFP!! Twins!!
Bradley and Billy born and lost on 2/2/11 at 19w2d due to pPROM/PTL. I miss you, little angels.
IVF#3=c/p IVF#4=Empty Follicle Syndrome; 1 mature, fertilized, & made it to blast. 5dt of "the lone ranger" on 9/6. Please stick, little one!
Thankfully my doctor is very supportive of charting. She let's me email her my charts and gives me feedback. Even if she wasn't supportive I would still chart, the information it gives me is so valuable.
Pretty sure that is the most annoying advice anyone gives...ever.
No offense, but your Dr. is a douche.
Mine never said anything specifically - but she wanted to make sure that I was using some sort of device or method to make sure we are timing things well. She brushed over things once she heard I use OPK's she was happy.
But I'm so glad that I do it for myself. I feel more confident that we are doing all that we can.
Thank you IVF for our little miracles!!
LOL -- I love when people use that word
My doctor told me that it was too much too and that I should just relax and have fun.
She said she has no reason to believe that we won't get KU. Gee thanks.
IMHO, I don't get the stress correlation. I mean, isn't it MORE stressful to not know if/when you're ovulating? How about timing sex? If you're O date moves around a bit (like mine) that would be beyond frustrating and stressful. I feel like there is some sort of conspiracy that the medical establishment doesn't want us to know how our bodies work. It's really bizarre. Of course, these are some of the same folks who also place childbirth in the ailment category, when it's perfectly natural and women have been doing it at home, in the field, outside of hospitals for centuries!
Whew! I didn't mean for this to become a rant, but I guess it did.
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