I witnessed career suicide on Saturday night, and I'm still in shock. I work at a large law firm. 2 partners (who are married to each other) invited me and DH, and another young associate and her husband over for dinner on Saturday. This other associate's behavior was beyond shocking. There is no way to convey the true insanity of her behavior, but here are some highlights:
(1) she managed to bring up every single taboo subject: religion, politics, her sex life, her own body image, whether she wants to have children or not.
(2) she repeatedly and personally attacked me for my religious and political beliefs
(3) she has no "inside voice," nevermind the fact that the hosts' 2-year old and 3 year old were sleeping upstairs
(4) she and her husband kept drinking well after everyone else stopped
(5) by the end of the evening, she was doing impressions of the firm's CEO, and calling him an a**hole, while attesting to the fact that she hated working for a corpate firm.
(6) she went into a 15 minute commentary about the size of my boobs (larger, apparently) vs. the size of her boobs (smaller)-- and said that her boobs talk to her every day beging to be bigger, and that when she has kids she is going to breastfeed them into adulthood to keep them engorged.
It was horrifying; and at around 10:30 pm my husband threatened to fake a heart attack to get us out of there. The hostess sent me an apology the next day.S
So, now I'm just wondering how I'll react when I see this other associate in a meeting. I honestly don't think it was because she was drunk-- she did half of those things before she'd even finished one drink. She is just seriously crazy. WWYD? and WWYD if she comes to my office to apologize?
Re: worst dinner party ever. WWYD?
Apparently this chick is downright stupid because your boobs do NOT stay engorged if you breastfeed your children longer. You become engorged when your milk first comes in because your body hasn't established a supply-and-demand relationship yet. Once they settle down, there are plenty of women that have very small breasts that breastfeed...their boobs are just efficient at producing milk whereas someone with larger breasts has larger stores of milk because their body produces milk more slowly. (Our instructor went over this in my BFing class.) That associate is a dumb*ss.
First off, OUCH! I can't imagine how painful the evening went. Personally, I accept her apology (if she has enough smarts to actually give one) and go about life. I probably wouldn't associate with her more than required only because I was in a similar situation once and became guilty by association. Luckily for me, it wasn't a work related setting.
I'm so sorry you had a terrible evening that should have been fun!
Oh, my. When I read "Worst dinner party ever" I immediately flashed to the episode of "The Office"... but it sounds like this was an even bigger train wreck.
Agree with the PPs - if she apologizes, accept, but do not associate with her. This will probably follow her for a long time...
OK, I'm not really opposed to a good sex talk, but I would never do it in front of people I'm not close to! That girl definitely brought her a-game
There's nothing wrong with accepting the apology, but it doesn't mean you have to continue interactions with her! She'll try and pull you down with her!