My sister in law just found out that she isn't able to have kids. They have tried just about everything. Nothing is working. My husband and I started TTC last month. My DH is wanting to tell his parents we are ttc but I personally would like to tell his brother and sister in law first but I don't want to hurt them. I don't know how we should tell them. I know it could be months before I get pregnant but I would like to tell them we are trying so it isn't such a suprise. Does any one have any suggestions?
Re: I need some help.
My BFF has fertility issues. She has been TTC for 7 years and has went through two rounds of IVF. When we started TTC (with DD#1) I simply told her that we decided to TTC and left it at that. That part really wasn't hard since we were able to talk about TTC issues and frustrations. When I found out I was KU - that was the hard part because I new she would be upset.
Good luck!
I agree with the PPs, I wouldn't tell them you are TTC. I would also considered holding off on telling your in-laws as well.