Congrats again on getting k/u! Quick question: I know you took Vitex while TTC. I'm curious, did you only take it leading up to o, or did you continue to take it until you got your BFP?
Two months ago I cut down to half during the 2WW. This month I ran out after 2 or 3 days after o so I quit completely. However I spotted the whole last week so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.
OK, I lied... one more question: how much of the tea were you drinking and did you ever try the pregnancy tea? The lady at the nature shop said that drinking the pg tea even before getting k/u was good for uterine lining but I wasn't sure about that.
I took vitex all of the way through my cycle until this most recent 2WW. I suspected it was the vitex that was making me gain weight, so I had decided to do a little experiment by quitting for my 2WW. I think it's coincidence that it ended up being the cycle that I got KU.
As for tea, I drank Women's Liberty by Traditional Medicinals. I recently had purchased another tea by Yogi (I think), but I had only had it once or twice.
:::butting in::
How are you feeling MSC?? I say the horsies on tv and I thought of you. I hope you won all your bets! Can you tell I have never been to one of these befre?
Yeah, I just had It was tiny. But that might just be the way my cycle works.
Ugh--I hated that tea! I'm so glad to be done with it. But it had the highest content of dong quai out of all of the teas that I looked at.
Wanna hear something pathetic? I didn't gamble--at all! DH did, though, but not a lot and he didn't win very much. It was a nice little weekend away, though.
Thank you!!!