2nd Trimester

Nothing like a good night's sleep...

which I did NOT have last night Sad. I just kept waking up and tossing around. I wonder how much worse this is going to get when the little one starts kicking me in the ribs at all hours... bleh.
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Re: Nothing like a good night's sleep...

  • I'm with you.  Hardly getting any sleep.  It's ok though, it's just a prep course for when baby arrives.  ; )
  • Aw, I was about to get jealous! LOL


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  • imagethatgirlang:

    Aw, I was about to get jealous! LOL




  • imagetopazwind:
    I'm with you.  Hardly getting any sleep.  It's ok though, it's just a prep course for when baby arrives.  ; )

    That's what I keep telling myself, too! lol

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    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
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  • I miss sleep!  DH's aunt was telling me that when she was as far along as me, she was sleeping 10 hrs a day.  I'm doing good to get an hour straight without going to the bathroom or waking up because I'm so uncomfortable,  ::knocks on wood::  No waking up with leg cramps yet like I did with 1st pg, but I'm sure they will come along too and interrupt the little bit of sleep I'm actually getting.

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