2nd Trimester

2nd time moms-baby movement

So, I swear that I have been feeling the baby move for the last week(I'm 14 weeks, 1 day).  Is this crazy or has anyone else experienced this? I know they said you could feel it early with the second but I don't know if it is baby or something else.  Almost feels like something rolling across my stomach.  Thanks.

Re: 2nd time moms-baby movement

  • I am 99% sure that I felt one teeny tiny flip at 12 weeks! Then I didn't feel anything until 15 weeks. Yes, I think 14 weeks is possible. You know what to look for.  
  • I felt this third at 13 weeks with little jabs.

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    ~*DUE MARCH 5th 2014*~

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  • I was feeling little flips around 13 weeks this time around!  Didn't feel a thing until 22 weeks with my first.  Congrats!
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  • I thought that MAYBE this morning I may have felt the baby move... I am not sure. It was 22 weeks last time before I felt anything but who knows!!! 
  • I started feeling this one at 13 weeks but nothing consistent.
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  • I feel the occasional flutter, but nothing regular yet.  Hope it's the little nugget, I can't wait to feel full out kicks and jabs.  They do say the second time around you feel it earlier.
  • I started feeling movement at 11 weeks and it sounds crazy but it was definitely the baby. Now that I am 18 weeks both FI and I can feel the baby on the outside and kicks everyday!
  • I have felt little flips here and there.  Nothing consistent, but it's definately babym so if you're crazy I'm crazy Big Smile
  • I swear I am feeling movement much earlier this time around too!  I think maybe because we know what to look for?  I *think* I felt two little movements yesterday....

    I will feel so much better when its consistent - just helps to make you feel better when you can feel the little one moving around

  • With our 2nd, we felt kicks around 13 weeks, super early.  I was so paranoid this time around with baby #3, because we did not feel anything until after 20 weeks, but at my big u/s I was told I had an anterior placenta, which explained a lot.

    You are not crazy!

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