To a church right near me and I would never attend such a stupid tea.
Some ladies at my daughters ballet said they would like to go but honestly what are we going to learn? You can emasculate your husband in front of your children and raise well rounded men, you can obsess over stupid ***, waste time and not enjoy the good parts in life, or how to whore out a family! I'll pass!
Re: Kate Gosselin is coming
She could teach you to how to raise your children to have outbursts if they dont get their way. ALA maddie the loudest most annoying child I have ever seen.. Or a bagel by repeating it over and over and over again. Each time in a higher slower voice.
Or possibly how to alienate your close friends and family from you life so they dont get paid by TLC because they have been helping you since the beginning.
DH: 31, no issues
4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
God it would be awesome if they had an open question forum just to see her reaction to some of the ***!
~*DUE MARCH 5th 2014*~
Seriously.... You can learn how to bully your kids and blame all your issues on them. I would love to hear the kids reaction of the show when they get older!
She need to spend more time attending church to listen and learn how to be a kinder person before she speeks at one.
Not true character is character it doesn't change to *** if you weren't before!
~*DUE MARCH 5th 2014*~
Hahahahaha, I love it.
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
I agree! I must say, I absolutely love the show....
Yeah. I don't think I would find myself interested in her point of view. I find her a little obnoxious.
I'm sure I'd be crazy if I had that many kids too but I wouldn't go on tv like that. I could see them doing a season or 2 but it's sort of out of control. Not a normal life for those kids. I'd also never speak to my husband like that or allow him to speak to me that way.