Last night about 3am, I got up to pee and when I wiped I had a few spots of red blood - not bright red, but not brown either. We haven't had sex or anything that could trigger this, so I'm of course freaked out. I had really heavy bleeding at 6 weeks, but it's been smooth sailing since.
I'm going to call my doctor when the office opens, but has anyone else had minor spotting that turned out okay?
Re: Spotting last night
I had bright red spotting at 14 weeks - turned out I had a yeast infection (didn't even know - I had no symptoms!) and my cervix was extremely irritated. It cleared up after about 4 days.
Your doc should be able to make sure it's coming from the outside and not from an open cervix. They may even do an u/s to put your mind at ease.
Try not to panic - I hope the doc gives you news that lets you relax!